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October 10, 2018

Thompson Statement on Trump Administration’s Cruel ‘Public Charge’ Proposed Rule

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s proposed public charge immigration rule published today that could impact the lives of millions:

“This proposal is shortsighted and cruel, focusing on near term political gain and the advancement of the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant agenda over working class families across this country. This rule will punish people who temporarily fall on hard times by giving them a false choice between the bare necessities – like food, shelter, and healthcare – or being able to stay in this country in the life they’ve built.”

“Like most proposals put forward by the Trump Administration, this proposed rule is an extreme departure from the implementation of the public charge statute since it was first enacted more than a century ago.  From this rule, and in addition to its family separation and zero tolerance immigration policies, there can be no other conclusion than this Administration is waging a war on families. This Administration must immediately cease and desist its blanket harassment of these law-abiding members of our communities that are just seeking a better life.”

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